

  英国摩力士Molyslip是一家具有优秀历史的工业化学品生产商,其产品Molyslip Copaslip,Molyslip Alumslip,Molyslip Foodslip,Molyslip Nickelslip,Molyslip ADF (Air Drying Film),Molyslip AS40 (Anti-Scuff Paste),Molyslip FMG (Food Machinery Grease),Molyslip HSB (High Speed Bearing Grease),Molyslip MLG (Moly Lithium Grease),Molyslip Combat,Molyslip Rusolvent,Molyslip MCC攻牙膏,Molyslip MWF攻牙液行销全球!

About the Company

During the 1940's and 50's, a new concept in lubrication was evolving, that of dry, permanent lubrication. The exceptional properties of Molybdenum Disulphide enabled engineers not only to coat the surface of a metal with a durable lubricant, but also to protect the surface from scuffing and wear.

During the 1960's, the first MoS2 oil supplements were introduced to the market. They quickly proved a valuable supplement to the motor oils available at the time, providing not only better fuel consumption for the average motorist, but also a reassuring safety net in the event of oil loss. His love of travel led the Baron into the establishment of a worldwide network of agents and distributors which cemented the basis for the modern Molyslip international organisation.

The increasing popularity of Molybdenum Disulphide was complemented by the launch of a new concept in automotive and industrial chemicals...that of the anti-seize compound. Metal parts which need to be dismantled at some stage need protection from fusion, and this was now possible with the introduction of Copaslip (often misspelled as copperslip or coppaslip). It quickly became the generic term for an anti-seize and is used by manufacturers of cars, trucks and all forms of engine from lawn mowers to ships.

Molyslip continues to expand and develop its range of specialist compounds and greases for use in all sectors of industry, particularly in metal-working, food and beverage production and packaging, and precision engineering. The company aims to offer products which reduce downtime, increase efficiency and prolong the life of expensive items of capital equipment, thereby saving users time and money.

Molyslip Product Range

Molyslip’s specialised greases, compounds and lubricants are recognized as the leading brand for a range of applications embracing:
Anti-seize compounds including Copaslip
High performance greases and specialist lubricants
NSF approved lubricants for use in plants processing and packaging food stuff, dairy products and beverages
Metal working products for tapping, drilling, threading, sawing, reaming, broaching, drawing, pressing, extruding, forging and forming
Oil additives – improved lubrication reduces wear and temperature, improves performance and fuel consumption
Workshop products for lubricating and protecting metal components and surfaces.

Copaslip高温铜油膏是Formula 1 Teams(F1世界一级方程式锦标赛)指定用汽车保养产品。 2014-1-26
Molyslip为Jaguar/Land-Rover捷豹路虎汽车工厂提供Copaslip高温铜油膏 2014-1-26
Bentley Motors宾利汽车工厂使用Molyslip Copaslip高温铜油膏达40多年 2014-1-26
上海昆邦化工有限公司代理英国摩力士Molyslip产品 2013-12-23
庆祝丰田加拿大公司连续27年使用摩力士Molyslip高温铜膏Copaslip 2013-12-23
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电话:021-58528856 / 56525087 传真:021-58528166 手机: 13917171467 E-mail: 13917171467@163.com

Molyslip,Copaslip,Alumslip,Foodslip,Nickelslip,ADF (Air Drying Film),AS40 (Anti-Scuff Paste),FMG (Food Machinery Grease),HSB (High Speed Bearing Grease),MLG (Moly Lithium Grease),Combat,Rusolvent,Molyslip MCC攻牙膏,Molyslip MWF攻牙液,impa 450566